How To Go On A Diet Without Affecting Your Mental Health


Wondering how to go on a diet without affecting your mental health? 

While the world progresses to notions of “All shapes are equal” and “Sizes don’t matter”; there is still a little voice in us that mumbles the following words when we look in the mirror:

Slightly slimmer, maybe?

Luckily, while some do not pay heed to this voice and instead love and adore themselves for who they are, there are some of us who wish to get rid of those few pounds and fit in that lovely XS dress. The desire is certainly not wrong. I mean, it is our life, and we should be able to look like, and wear what we want. Thus, if anybody wishes to be slimmer or slightly fitter — to each their own.

Unfortunately, while the desire to become fit may be an innocent one; the journey turns tremendously difficult and is bound to take a toll on our mental health. 

How Does Dieting Affect Mental Health?   

The problem isn’t trying to lose weight; the problem is acting derogatory towards our own selves and lacking self-esteem simply because we don’t fit a “certain” body shape. 

Over here, I am not talking about others who may call you “Fat” or “Chubby”; I am talking about us, looking in the mirror, and thinking: 

Oh, my belly fat! How bad does that weight look on me?

Therefore, our next step to going on a diet isn’t because we want to enhance our fitness, become healthy, and lose a few pounds in the journey. 

No, our next step becomes to “fix ourselves”, because suddenly we feel our body needs fixing. Such an attitude towards weight loss, consequently, turns the journey into a painful one as we don’t eat healthy, but nearly starve ourselves, just for the sake of a few pounds. 

Suddenly we desire quick results and rapid weight loss, and don’t realize we are compromising on our physical and mental well-being in the process.

Bulimia and eating disorders, are all a consequence of such unhealthy weight loss diets.

Change Your Mindset, Get On the Diet! 

Does this mean we completely stop trying to lose weight and begin bingeing on junk food instead just to “feel good”? 


More than the right diet, getting slimmer and smarter entails having the right attitude. Understand your bodily needs, respect them, and uphold your weight goals simultaneously. Consequently, your mental health will be much better and your weight on the weighing scale — just what you wanted!

Let’s get started on how we can go on a diet and not affect our mental health:

 1. Take Baby Steps 

 When we consider our “dream” weight and chalk out a plan to attain the weight, we forget that we are just starting out. 

 This means, if you are not used to eating vegetables earlier, you cannot plan to ditch all meats for a month from the very first day. Similarly, if you’ve always possessed a sweet tooth, your decision to go on a diet shouldn’t be something like:

I will never have another candy bar in my life until I reach 50kgs. 

 Transforming your diet (and your life) drastically can bear major consequences on your mental health as you see yourselves always stressed, with a bad mood, and low energy levels at all times. 

 Our suggestion: Take small steps, achievable steps on your dieting journey. Take it once a day, and everything will fall into place.

 2. Do Not Step on the Weighing Scale 

While the motivation for a dream weight is good enough to get you going on the diet, stepping on the weighing scale after every meal, and every workout session might not be a good idea (read: very bad idea). 

 Dieting doesn’t bear fruit immediately. But, instead of understanding that, when we stand on our scale after a week of a no-carb diet and see the hand of the scale remain roughly where it did the last week — we lose heart. 

 Some may begin starving themselves to quicken the process, and that is never a good idea. Remember, slow and steady wins the race. Stop tracking your weight and start enjoying the diet process instead.

3. Stop Comparing

 If there was something that could depress us to the core in our diets, it is seeing another individual follow the same diet yet experience quicker results. Suddenly, we feel demotivated and sorrowful for not being the same way. 

 Let me tell you, all bodies respond differently to diets. So, whether you’re on a pure keto diet or a low-sugar one, remember the change will come, you only have to believe in yourself and smile along the way. 

 4. Be Your Own Best Friend

Instead of comparing yourself with another, I ask you to praise yourself instead. For instance, if you are an ice-cream lover and have managed to stray far from that yummy Belgium Chocolate Sundae for an entire week; look at yourselves in the mirror and give yourself a thumbs up! 

A diet journey is only enjoyable and attainable if you are having fun along the way. Encouraging yourself after each small milestone ensures that.

5. Take a Breather and a Break! 

 Apart from praising yourself, I ask you to give yourselves a cheat day too! But mind you, only a day, not a week or two…

 Give yourself a candy bar at the end of a no-sugar diet week. Or have some of those delicious French fries after a strict no-carb diet.  

 Not only does this give your body a sense of calm and a feeling of comfort, but also refreshes you to take over the diet with a fresher mindset from the next day.

 6. Be Content 

Lastly, be satisfied with your results. No matter how slow the diet works. No matter how close you get to your goals (or don’t at all); do not take it to your head and make it your life’s mission to lose those few pounds. 

You are wonderful the way you are, and nobody should tell you otherwise. 

 The Takeaway

Getting on an extreme, result-oriented diet can leave you dry and hanging, especially if you are not used to eating this way. While a no-sugar diet can leave you depressed and irritable, other calorie-restriction diets can leave you energy-less, psychologically stressed, and even lose focus. 

While diets are important, your health — physical and mental — is the priority. Switch to diets entailing root vegetables, low-oil, low-carbs, and low-sugar, but also give yourself a few treats along the way. Also, do not forget to catch up on your sleep (at least 7 hours!). 

Opt for the right diet in the friendliest way, and you will see yourself achieving your fitness goals quicker than ever! 

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