5 Natural Cranberry Pills That Are Great for Women

Cranberries, a popular summer treat, are small, red berries. They are rich in antioxidants and have many health benefits as well. Cranberry pills are derived from dried, powdered cranberries, which can be used as an alternative instead of the cranberries itself.

Cranberry has many use, first cranberry can be used to prevent urinary tract infection and it is also used as a deodoriser for patients with incontinence, chronic fatigue syndrome, diabetes type 2, and pleurisy. It is also a diuretic, antipyretic, and antiseptic.

If you are a woman who is currently looking various ways to get rid of, or trying to prevent a UTI, studies has shown that taking cranberry can decrease the risk of recurrent UTI or UTS in general. Did you know that also researches prove that people who take oral cranberry are able to reduce the strong odor of their urine as well?

 Benefits of Cranberry Pills


Prevent UTI

 Cranberries may be used to treat UTI effectively. They comprise of proanthocyanidins that prevent E. coli bacteria from adhering to the lining of your bladder and urethra. Various studies have proven that taking cranberry oils with 36mg of proanthocyanidins daily for two months can reduce frequent UTI, especially in women. 

Other studies claim that it has similar positive effects on the elderly who live in nursing homes and have bladder disorders. However, it is still unclear if the supplements are as beneficial as traditional antibiotics in preventing UTI. The results are conflicting, due to different study setups.

Powerful Antioxidants

Cranberries are enriched with antioxidants, which protect the body against free radical damage. This free radical damage can lead to many illnesses, which include diabetes and heart diseases. Surprisingly, cranberries consist of the most antioxidants compared to other fruits and berries. Moreover, some of the components of cranberries have stronger effects in contrast to vitamin E, the most important antioxidant of the body meant to fight free radicals.

Since the pills are made using dry cranberries, they are rich in antioxidants than fresh fruit, prepared products like jelly and sauce. Despite being made from dried powdered cranberries, the antioxidants remain active. In fact, taking the supplements for eight weeks has shown to reduce the markers of oxidative stress.

Other Benefits

While there is limited research, studies have proven to show the following benefits.

Improved Heart Health

If you drink cranberry juice on a regular basis, you will have a reduced risk of heart diseases by increasing the good cholesterol, reduction of inflammation, and prevention the oxidation of cholesterol.

Protection Against Abdominal Ulcers

There are certain components in cranberry juice that help in the elimination of H. pylori infections in the stomach, eliminating the risk of stomach ulcers to some extent.

Blood Sugar Control

Various studies have found that there is a significant reduction in the blood glucose level in diabetic patients who drink cranberry juice.

Healthier Oral Health

Just how cranberry compounds prevent bacteria from attaching to the urinary tract, they prevent bacteria from overgrowing in the mouth. Reducing gum diseases and cavities.

Boost Immunity

Cranberry juice has the ability to boost immunity along with reducing the symptoms of flu.

However, more studies are required to know what the benefits of cranberry pills are. Although we have mentioned all the pills that can be taken by women to get added benefits, so keep reading.

Top Five Cranberry Supplements for Women

Nature’s Bounty Cranberry with Vitamin C

Nature’s bounty cranberry is potent and powerful. Moreover, it is also the number one brand for supplements across the United States. It has the highest reviews in the market and comprises fortified ingredients, which make it an excellent stack of vitamins C and E.

 It also has triple strength benefits. 

This product is powerful and enables you to boost your immunity through the fortified ingredients and benefits of cranberry. It detoxifies the body and fights against selected bacterial infections as well. The high concentration and triple strength make it tremendously effective.

NOW Foods Cranberry Caps

NOW food is enriched with vitamin C, kosher, and vegetarian. It is a strong cranberry supplement, which can be bought at an affordable price and is highly potent with a ratio of 8:1.

Now has been in the industry since 1968 and is certified for its organic, kosher, and non-GMO supplements. Moreover, if you care about the world, this brand is committed to the sustainability of the environment.

The kosher and vegetarian cranberry supplements have various benefits for those who are looking to make use of cranberry. The dosage is powerful and light on the pocket as well.

Nature’s Way Cranberry Fruit

Cranberry fruit supplements by Nature’s Way are rich in potassium and solid dosage of cranberry, which is non-GMO, suitable for vegetarians’ and can be bought at an affordable price.

The brand was founded in 1969 and has been partners with the non-GMO project as well. Moreover, it is the first ever brand that has received a TRU-ID certification, which depicts the authenticity of the ingredients. Meaning a third part has verified the accuracy of it. 

Nevertheless, it is an effective cranberry supplement, which is affordable, can be taken by vegetarians and non-GMO.

Oregon’s Wild Harvest Cranberry

Orgeon’s Wild Harvest Cranberry comprises of organic rose hips, which are a rich source of vitamin C. This herbal supplement is a combination of cranberry and rose hip, which also makes it an immunity booster along with being a naturally effective choice of cranberry. However, this product does have one drawback; that is lower packaging quality. But, should that be a reason to not buy it? The brand is safe to use and offers a variety of products, which are effective and pure. Moreover, they are organic and made using whole herbs.

This organic supplement offers a whole lot of benefits that cranberries and rose hip have. Making it an effective supplement, despite the packaging quality.

Pure Encapsulations Cranberry NS

Pure Encapsulations Cranberry NS are hypoallergenic cranberry supplements, which can be taken by anyone. The brand that has manufactured it also worth trusting blindly, for it is known since many years. In addition to that, it is hypoallergenic, safe to take and suitable for vegetarians. The products are pure and based on research. However, the product is heavy on the pocket compared to other brands. 

 This supplement is a good choice of cranberry, due to its efficacy, purity and quality, which can allow users to overlook the prices. Since, you are getting quality with quantity.

Warnings and Precautions of Cranberry Supplements

All of the supplements that have been mentioned above consist of cranberry, European cranberry, black cranberry, low cranberry, trailing cranberry, vaccinium macrocarpon, and many others. If you are allergic to either of the ingredients that are in the drug, avoid taking it.

Keep it out of the reach of children and in case there is overdosage, seek help from a medical professional or call poison control.


Patients with Kidney Stones

Cranberry pills should be avoided by people with a history of kidney stones.

 Pregnant and Lactating Women

Lactating women should also avoid taking cranberry pills. Moreover, pregnant women shouldn’t take them either.

Recommended Dosage

There isn’t any specific dosage plan that needs to be followed for cranberry pills and varies based on the brand you choose.

According to research, 500 to 1500mg of dried cranberry powder prevents the onset of UTI, whereas 1200mg reduces the oxidative stress.  It is recommended two pill a day.

The new researches focus on the concentration of proanthocyanidins, since it is one of the main cranberry ingredients. So, products with at least twenty five percent of proanthocyanadins is most effective in preventing UTI. more research is still needed for an approved recommended dosage.

Pro tip it is also recommended that a great cranberry pill should be able to be refrigerated.

Sign off in the comments below and shear your favourite cranberry pill to take? do you have any tips and trick about how to store your cranberry pills? Don’t forget to shop our post below.