How to have a self-care day at home


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, you may be spending more time at home. With ever-evolving news and government restrictions, it can be a stressful time. Some have lost their jobs and others who work in essential services could be working upwards of 12-hour shifts. Having a self-care routine is something we can all benefit from. Even business moguls, bloggers, and medical professionals have their own routine to refresh their mind and body. If you’re looking for ways to unwind and de-stress, look no further! 

 1. Ideal self-care routine

First, you need to figure out when a self-care routine would suit you in your daily life. What would your ideal routine look like? Do you feel most stressed in the morning before starting your day? Or after 8 pm when it’s time wash the dishes you’ve accumulated working from home? Write this down while you plan so you don’t forget!

 2. What essential task helps you feel cared for? 

Some people love to have hot tea in the morning or do a facemask at night. A homecooked meal? A movie with your loved ones? What is it that you need? 

 3. Commit 

Try your best to stick to your new routine. It takes 21 days to form a habit, so keep going! Remember, putting yourself first may be a struggle especially if you have a family or other people to care for. But it is so important to commit to yourself.

 4. Allow your routine to be flexible

You may have children that need to be cared for or you may get sick. That’s okay. Be flexible when life changes occur.

 5. Read an e-book or watch self-care videos

If you have a favorite author or creative artist, research what they do to de-stress. We all have small or big routines that make us feel calm, safe, and happy.

 6. Try something new

If you’ve never tried meditation or reading before bed, give it a go. You never know what might stick! The added benefit is you’ll get to know more about what helps you and what doesn’t.

Some self-care ideas to get you started

Cook your favorite meals

Haven’t you heard, the way to your own heart is through the stomach! Ask a loved one for their recipe or search for one online.

 Home workouts

Living at home means you can no longer go to your gym. That doesn’t mean you can’t be active! Carve out time to take up yoga or do some light cardio exercises. 

 Art – visual or digital 

Pick up a pencil or pen and start sketching away. It can be real-life drawings of items in your home or your favorite photos from artists you love. Start using technology to be creative. Take your own photos and edit them on your computer. Have you ever wanted to write? Start a blog!

 Quality time with loved ones

Schedule a movie night or a game night with the members in your household. Feeling loved and seeing familiar faces sends signals to our brain that makes us feel good. Being cooped up in a house can be annoying but try and appreciate the time you have together.

 If it doesn’t work, change it 

After a few weeks, if you’re not feeling any better, change up your routine. Alternatively, seek professional help if you are experiencing extreme symptoms of depression, anxiety, or stress.

 These tips will help get you started on a self-care routine. Remember to take care of yourself, especially during this stressful time!

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