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The Value Of Having Houseplants In Your Home Decoration

Urban life most forces people to live in apartments which mostly remove us from nature, but humanity's need for nature and green always manifests itself in some way. In addition to the visually relaxing aspect of green in our living spaces, the routine effort it brings with it is an indisputable therapy.

 Accessories that add detail to the details, colors that add to the colors and of course, our flowers! Or rather, the house or ındoor plants. Whether they are full of colors or just green wood, they are our perfect accessories with all their energetic and wonderful smell. Today, I wanted to make an introduction on how to add plants a few popular plants to your homes to help with your home decorations. The use of vivid flowers in home decoration is a great idea but requires some knowledge and ideas. Here are some of the most popular plants that is easy to grow at home and decorate.

Jacobs ladder

Since the area it occupies is not very large, it can be used in decoration. This is exactly the kind of green plant that can be easily found in homes. It will show itself very nicely by hanging the thin green leaves in a flowerpot that you put in a macramé suspended from the ceiling.

 Terrarium (Succulent-Cactus)

Succulents, also called thorn less cactus, and cactuses that require very little maintenance can be used very easily as decoration elements in small and flat pots. They easily find themselves in niches and on coffee tables and narrow shelves. It is also combined in glass lanterns with a semi-open or small window, and can find life in the house of the most busy household as long as they see enough sun.

 Lounge palm

If you are looking for a lush plant that reaches a large mass, the palm trees are for you. It is very important to put this plant somewhere bright and spacious.

 Lemon Tree

Although it is a tree, it can be easily used in the house. Yellow-green appearance and pleasant smell will add richness and sophistication to your living spaces.

 Snake plant or St. George Sword

This is one of the plants that do not need glass edge in the hall and can be used in the doorway. It adds a sculptural color to the decoration, especially with its elongated posture.

Rubber Plant 

Thick leaves and rubber from our mothers' house when we were little… Because it is an extremely durable plant, it can be used in any environment; it can easily be placed in medium-sized halls without much expansion.

Alongside these beautiful green plants, plants that pump high living energy into the spaces with their colorful flowers that are occasionally blooming are always fun elements of decoration. Orchids, flamingo flower, sail flower, cyclamen, gardenia, azalea, lilies and violets are mostly used in homes.

Green and flowering plants add a privileged personality to our house as long as efforts are made not to lose care and vitality.

Let us know in the comments what houseplant you are currently loving and would add to your home.